Go on, tell us what you think!

As part of how we continually review our services to find out what we are doing right, what we could do better and what we need to fix, we invite you to tell us what you think in a survey. All survey participants will go into the draw to win a $100 kai or petrol voucher.

 We’ll be asking things like:

·       What are the challenges you find in accessing and using our services?

·       What can we do to improve?

·       What are we doing well that works for you and your whānau?

·       What services do you need that we don’t already provide?

·       How would you prefer to receive information from us?

We’ll send the survey by email to whānau on our mailing list. If your email address has changed please let us know and we can update it for you, so you don’t miss out. You can email us at admin@tpo.org.nz, phone 0800 ORANGA or join our mailing list by going to the ‘ohauru/subscribe’ link at the bottom of our website, www.tpo.org.nz

 Please let your friends and whānau know to do the same, so that they can have their say.