A safe place to talk about tough topics

If you or someone in your whānau have experienced any abuse while in the care of state or faith-based institutions, Te Piki Oranga can offer a safe place to talk about your experiences.

 We understand that sharing about traumatic experiences can be difficult. Our qualified, specially-trained community champions can listen and kōrero with you in a non-judgemental, safe way.

 In one of our pānui last year we introduced you to community champion Rameka Te Rahui. Rameka says that talking with someone you trust can be the start for people seeking help and treatment for trauma.

 “We understand that anyone telling their story is going to go through a lot of emotions in the process. Talking can bring up a lot of grief, anger, and fear. Sometimes the hardest thing is making the first move and picking up the phone,” Rameka says.

 “We’re here to help anyone through that process – deciding whether and how to take part, navigating the process and getting the follow-up care you need.

 “There is free counselling available and for many people, this has made it possible for them to get treatment for any ongoing trauma they are experiencing as a result of their experiences.”

 Contact Te Piki Oranga in confidence on 0800 ORANGA (672642) or email us at admin@tpo.org.nz and ask to speak to one of our community champions.