Taking the time to get strategic

 Taking the time to get strategic

A Te Piki Oranga Strategic Plan hui in November was a welcome return to the kaimahi development calendar after disruptions in the past two years due to COVID-19.

 Held at the Hedingly Centre in Waimeha (Richmond), the hui was an opportunity for kaimahi to put their everyday mahi to one side for a while and focus on the big picture.

 “The day was about where we are at and where we are going, in terms of our strategic plan, and a chance to ask questions and give feedback,” says Rachelle Tauroa, Te Ata Pūao Establishment Co-ordinator.

 Guest speaker Riana Manuel, Chief Executive Officer at Te Aka Whai Ora, the Māori Health Authority, joined the hui by video conference. Another highlight was a presentation from Te Piki Oranga Management Team members Lorraine Staunton and Carl Baker about service Delivery wānanga held this year.

 “We also had a ‘speed dating session’ with the Board of Directors and some of our head office management team. This was a fun way for kaimahi to get to know our leaders a little better, and ask any burning questions,” Rachelle says.